Friday, September 21, 2012

The Real Stuff Has Begun

The real stuff has begun.

I just finished the 5th week of my second semester at Howard. Things are going well so far, though it’s certainly much more difficult than last semester. Mainly because I’ve now started the real music theory curriculum. Last semester I was only in fundamentals, and had no idea what I was really in for.

I’m really enjoying what I’m learning, and I definitely feel challenged. At the same time, it’s intense and stressful. I never worked this hard as a psychology major. It’s an entirely different game in the music department. It involves constant practicing, not only on my primary instrument (classical voice), but on guitar, piano, and all of my ear training exercises. I am extremely proud of how far I’ve come. This time last year, I didn’t even know the lines and spaces of the bass clef. Now I can recognize all 12 main intervals, as well as different chords, and scales. I can read music and am developing my sight-reading skills. I can accompany myself on guitar with a few simple songs and composed a song of my own before making it into a two part harmony. I am finally becoming the person I want to be. I just hope I don’t lose my drive anytime soon! Still about 2 more years after this. But I don’t think about that:)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

One semester down....five/six more to go!

I just completed my first semester in the music therapy program at Howard. I just need to show up at graduation this Saturday with the University Choir, then I'm all set:) And not to sound too nerdy, but it seems like I've managed to pull off a 4.0 for the semester. Geeky stuff like that makes me happy, especially since I'm looking into scholarships.

And I'm already looking forward to the fall semester. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to have a break. But I don't need 3 months. I wish summer were like, a month, then back to school, something like that. I love being back in school, and I love what I'm studying and learning so much that I just want to get back to it. I'll be taking a full 17 credits next semester, including:

Elementary Ear Training/Sight Singing I
Elementary Harmony I
University Choir II
Voice Minor II
Student Recital II
Music Therapy I
Guitar Techniques for Music Therapy
Choral Conducting
Functional Piano I

The above is the nice thing about not having to take core classes. I already got crap like college Algebra and Freshman English out of the way back in 2004, and Howard seems to have accepted all of my transfer credits, so I get to just focus on the music stuff that I need. It's like having a bowl of Lucky Charms and only eating the marshmallows:) Oh yeah and not having to do another full 4 years of college all over again is a nice touch, too.

At this point, it looks like I probably have 5 more semesters of classes. Then I'll need to do my six month music therapy internship. It seems like so far off, but I'm pretty sure it'll be worth it in the end. I just need to hang in there. It looks like I'm off to a good start!


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Midterm Frenzy

First semester is going really well so far. My Fundamentals in Music Theory class is pretty easy and straightforward so far. It's a zero-credit class, so it won't count towards my GPA, but it's required in order to continue with all the music programs.

I just had my percussion midterm this past Friday. I'd known about it for weeks and was pretty nervous, but am so relieved and happy now that it's over, and I got an A:) It was worth 50% of our total grade, and included a straightforward written part and a more intimidating playing part where we had to play the snare drum. My music reading skills are still developing, so I was not too confident about the playing part. But I practiced like crazy, and it paid off. Considering how far I've come so far (musically), I'm really freakin' proud of myself:)

I have my guitar midterm next Friday. A little nervous about that, but not as much as for percussion. I get to pick 3 songs and work at getting really good at playing them.

The semester is just about half over, and spring break is right around the corner! Things are looking good.

Friday, January 6, 2012

It's Go Time!

It’s here. The time is NOW. This is my last weekend of laziness, of carefreeness. Classes start on Monday! I am registered, the semester is paid for, I am all setJ Here are my classes:

Voice Minor I (voice lessons throughout the semester)
Percussion Instruments
Guitar Minor I
Survey and Study of the Exceptional Child (Special Ed)
Fundamentals of Music (Basic music theory)
Student Recital I (I’ll have one every semester)
Large Ensemble (University Choir, in this case)
African and Afro-American Music Lit
Music Lit. Baroque/Classical

I’m hoping to finish the coursework in 5 semesters total. Then I have to do an internship for one semester, making 6 semesters before I’m completely finished. This is my goal.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Future Music Therapist

I am on my way! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!! I start classes next month. After three and a half years out of school and feeling totally and completely lost, I feel like I’m back on track.

I haven’t yet met with my advisor to go over my transcripts. That’ll happen at the orientation in January, but about a year’s worth of my credits from Penn State should transfer. The music therapy program at Howard is a standard 4 years, so I’m probably looking at 3 years, or 6 Fall/Spring semesters. That’s hefty, but there’s really no way around it if I want to be a music therapist. The good thing is, once I have my undergraduate degree in music therapy, I will qualify to take the exam to get my certification. Then I will be a certified music therapist, and should be able to find employment.

After I finish this program, I definitely plan to get my master’s, although that won’t come until a few years after I get my certification. Colorado State University has a really nice online master’s program in music therapy, so that is where I plan to further my education in this field when the time comes. The program is designed for certified, working music therapists, so the fact that it’s online is awesome:)

But that’s a ways down the road. First, I have to complete this undergraduate program. I am excited, but nervous. It’s a big change, and a big commitment, but I know that something has to drastically change in my life for it to improve. There was just a little bit of commitment phobia when I got the admissions package last week. I never had any doubt about wanting to go at all. It’s just that all of a sudden the time is upon me, after all these months of preparing for my audition, and getting my application in order. I’m about to be really, really busy. But after living the opposite these past 3 years, I wouldn’t want it any other way:) I’m really excited, I can’t wait to start!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Oh, Mylanta, This Might Actually Happen

Had my audition this past Friday. I was so nervous the night before, I woke up at 3am and couldn’t get back to sleep. So I just laid on the couch the rest of the night/early morning, watching the news. I was a little under the weather from a cold I was getting over, and was really worried that I wouldn’t be able to sing. I knew how important this audition was, and didn’t want anything to jeopardize it.

Ken came with me for moral support, which was a HUGE help. The audition was in a small office type music room, with a piano. I auditioned in front of the chairperson of classical voice at the university, and afterwards she informed me that she would be forwarding my audition form to the next level of consideration. The next day, I received a letter from the school, informing me that I’d passed my audition to be accepted into the Department of Music at Howard University! 

I haven’t actually been accepted into the school yet. I’m still waiting to hear from admissions. But getting into the program/department was what I was really worried about. I’m extremely relieved to be over this hurdle, but still cautiously optimistic. It’s not a sure thing that I’ll get into the university, although I am hopeful. It’s just so weird, I’m so close now! This could actually happen. It looks like music therapy may very likely be my career in a few years. Surreal.

I know myself, and I know I’ll be going crazy until I find out for sure. Until then, I wait.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

One More Hurdle

My application for the music therapy program at Howard University is complete. I’ve submitted the online application, sent out my college transcripts, gotten my letters of recommendation in order, and written a personal statement. All that remains is THE AUDITION.

I am no stranger to auditions. Being involved in the performing arts all my life, I’ve been through countless ones, so I’m hoping my experiences will work in my favorJ. At the same time, auditions are intimidating, so I’ll be happy when it’s over. I was told to prepare 3 songs of contrasting styles. They told me that appropriate genres include classical, folk, and musical theater. And one song needs to be in a foreign language. So here is my chosen repertoire:

Classical Ballad
            -Panis Angelicus (transposed to a lower key because I can’t break glass with my voice)

Folk Ballad

Musical Theater Up-Tempo
            -I Enjoy Being A Girl (from the Flower Drum Song)

My voice teacher is helping me prepare for the audition with these songs. I’m happy with the selection, I think it’s a good variety of genres as well as tempos. There will be a pianist at the audition, so I don’t need to worry about accompanying myself just yet. This is an undergraduate program, so I’ll learn both piano and guitar during the program.

My audition day is Friday, October 14th!!! Between now and then I’m just practicing my songs. It’s nice to know the rest of my application is already done. But I’ll be so happy after the 14th. Then I get to play the Waiting Game until the end of November, when I should find out if I’m in or not. My concern is that I may get into the school, but not for music therapy. With programs like this, it’s almost like two different things. And it’s possible to get into the school you want, but not for the program you want. All I can do is my best, and wait for the results!

Nervous, but hopefulJ